Welcome to Rediscovered Realms’ newest series, “Tales Unearthed”, where we shine our torches on one forgotten fantasy short story from the past. This edition features “The Wizards Are Dying” - a heroic party saves-the-world adventure from “Dragontales”, written by John L. Jenkins and lavishly illustrated by Jim Holloway!
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This Week’s Rediscovered Realms Theme Song:
| Genre: Epic Power Ballad | Lyrics1 |
“The Wizards Are Dying”
Published just a few short years ago in 1980 (🙄) “Dragontales” was an anthology of all-new fantasy fiction & art, containing 10 short stories, and dozens of beautiful illustrations made by the publishers of Dragon Magazine, “Dragon Publishing” - a division of TSR (I’m sure there’s a story behind that.)
We’ll definitely explore more of the stories within its beautiful wraparound cover (by Mike Carroll) in future editions of “Tales Unearthed”.
“The Wizards Are Dying”
First up in the “Dragontales” anthology comes, “The Wizards Are Dying”.
Old school D&D at its core, this story is pretty righteous game fiction - before that type of story became commonplace in later years.
If you like stories where your gaming adventures come to life, where the rules and precepts of AD&D are baked-in, then you’ll definitely dig this story.
If not, then there are 11 wonderful illustrations by the late Jim Holloway (of Endless Quest and countless other TSR products) that you can’t help but enjoy.
Here, for you reading enjoyment is the entire story:
Your next piece of fantasy fun is calling.
Remember to check out the new Rediscovered Realms Amazon Storefront for the most epic gift-giving ideas for those important adventurers in your life (including yourself 🗡)
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You are not only brave, but a Generous Adventurer whose love of Discovery, Imagination & Fun transcends our mere mortal coils . . .
. . . and for that, I thank you!
Other News from The Realms
Time for our 1st “DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW”! for current members of “THE 300”!
And the winner of this $10 DriveThruRPG gift card is . . . Pumilio1!!! Congratulations! I’ve contacted you through email with the details.
(For anyone else who wants to be a part of future “DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW” drawings - as well as for our “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” drawings, make sure to snag one of our remaining spots in “THE 300” paid subscription tier before February 1st.
I’ve had this nagging feeling lately that if things go a bit sideways in the world, it would be useful to have some real-life Adventurer skills. What could be more useful (or impress your friends more) than if you could make your own torches! Check out this diagram from artofmanliness.com.
Along those same lines, have you ever wondered how folks in medieval times survived the winter? Well, back in 2013, a medieval reenactment group set out to do just that.
See the lessons & skills Pavel learned using only 9th century tools, clothing and shelter for 6 months!
Can you believe “It’s Been 44 Years Since One of the Best Dark Fantasy Movies Was Released”?
I re-watched this one not too long ago and man, it’s still incredible. I found it so interesting that director John Boorman had initially begun planning this adaptation of the Arthur & Merlin legend all the way back in 1969!
Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, after TSR, went on to create another gaming system called “Dangerous Journeys”. Bill Allan on YouTube found this long-lost commercial, featuring Gary himself!
Ever wondered how the calendar of our world lines up with the calendars of Middle-earth? Yeah, me too. Well, you’re in luck with this interactive Middle-earth visual timeline website maintained by the LOTR Project!
You can click on events from The Hobbit, LOTR and Silmarillion!
That’s another week. Hope you enjoyed the “The Wizards Are Dying” story, artwork, song and other news, Honor-bound Adventurers. I have to say, the ending left me with a heroically sorrowful feeling that will probably take a while to wear off.
“Even the very wise cannot see all ends.” - Gandalf
Make sure to leave a comment below to let me know what you thought!
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(Featuring artwork from Clyde Caldwell & Luke Eidenschink!)
The Wizards Are Dying
[Verse] Through the shadows creeps a whisper low The Lich awakes from prison's darkened glow Heroes gather 'neath the ancient tomb Elf wizard's magic and steel unleashed soon [Verse 2] Gnome thief's nimble feet find the way To secrets laced in shadows far from day Dwarf fighter's axe gleams hefted high To battle evil lurking, darkness defied [Chorus] The wizards are dying but we stand tall Against the darkness we will heed the call With courage fierce and hearts on fire We light the night and never tire [Verse 3] The sage reads scrolls of forgotten lore Wisdom flows forth we can't ignore Maiden's voice a beacon in the night Guides us through the fray towards the light [Verse 4] The Cleric, loyal, devout and true Knows what deed he must do For Evil oft expects Good's thrust And turns the best of swords to rust [Bridge] But in tragedy, heroes oft will tread A brave soul falls nobly among the dead Sacrifice etched deep by purest heart In sorrow's wake we fight, and never part [Chorus] The wizards are dying but we stand tall Against the darkness we will heed the call With courage fierce and hearts on fire We light the night and never tire
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I could see in retrospect that Dragontales was a dividing line in my D&D group. A few of us loved it and talked about the stories, while the majority had no interest in related fantasy fiction. They just wanted to focus on the game and its mechanics.
Hadn't though about this one ins years. Thanks for sharing.
Loved that short story. I just picked up copies of Dragon 100 and 150 from a local shop after they got in a massive DnD collection. Once I finished reading them, I'll let you know if they have another short story worth sharing.