“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
- Joseph Campbell
⚜ WELL MET! - The Call to Adventure ⚜
You are both noble & wise, Adventurer, for seeking this knowledge before embarking on your quest.
Which quest?
Your quest for Imagination, Discovery and Fun of course.
You see, these treasures, though great in childhood, are even more valuable later on in life.
Sages have waxed poetic and written treatises about the physical & psychological benefits of Play in adult adventurers’ lives.
. . . Enhanced brain function, Improved mood & emotional resilience, Greater work satisfaction, Increased creativity & innovation, Stronger social connections & intimacy, and even better sex lives.1
Ultimately, Play is essential for living a good life.
It allows individuals to tap into their innate joy, pursue their passions, and connect with the world in a more meaningful way. Play can provide a sense of purpose, meaning, and satisfaction that extends beyond mere survival and into a life of true flourishing.
Remember that magical time when we were children, always up for an impromptu game, having incredible fun with friends no matter the time of day or night?
🕯 Well, what if you could recapture <some> of that primordial magic and start having fun again . . .
🐲 “Rediscovered Realms celebrates that lightning-bolt that strikes the fan upon their first contact with fantasy… that sense of wonder, of the intangible and ineffable, of that I-dunno-what-the-heck-this-is-but-it’s-the-coolest-thing-I’ve-ever-seen-in-my-life!”
- Alec Worley, Agent of Weird: Exploring the Write Fantastic
Rediscovered Realms has been bringing that magic back for almost 2 years now. With 100+ newsletters about:
Fantasy, Imagination & Discovery
Old School Dungeons & Dragons & Lord of the Rings
Endless Quest, Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf, and rare gamebooks
Lost & Forgotten Fantasy artwork, RPGs, electronic games, video games, boardgames, books, comics, mythology, magazines, modules, movies, music & merch
Fantasy news and the freshest fantasy product launches & Kickstarters
Tolkien, Conan, Éowyn, Uni, and even Indiana Jones
The necessity of Fun & Play in our lives
👑 We have interviewed over 10 fascinating fantasy artists/authors/creators to plumb their deepest secrets and successes. (Many more are scheduled.)
👑 We have grown from 0 to over 3,000 subscribers on this Substack and over 10,000 followers on our brother Facebook page.
👑 We have done over 10 incredible FREE giveaway contests worth with $2,500 of amazing fantasy merchandise (LOTR, D&D, books, games, and merch) to celebrate our growing numbers.
🐲 "Where do you get all these amazing prizes for your giveaways! I am always beyond impressed! Thanks again for all the work you put into these posts as well!"
- Lee Black
But that’s enough about us. What about you?
⚜ WHO NEEDS A PAID SUBSCRIPTION - Who are YOU, Adventurer? ⚜
I’ve seen Adventurers come . . . and I’ve seen them go.
The ones that most connect with Rediscovered Realms have some, if not all, of the following qualities:
Adults who loved fantasy as kids and may have put aside that love for the realities & responsibilities of life. “I don’t have the time anymore” may be something you’ve told yourself often.
Love of Fantasy: art, role playing Games, books, magazines, movies, music & merch. There’s an indescribable cool factor to this stuff. If you don’t think so, you probably should go join another club. Like, the “I Live to Be Boring” club.
Gen Xers (+ or - a generation: early Millennials & late Boomers, I’m lookin’ at you!) who grew up on (and LOVED) D&D, LOTR, Fighting Fantasy, Dragonlance, Lone Wolf, Indiana Jones, Conan, Endless Quest, Dragon Magazine, The Dark Tower and Talisman board games, fantasy movies, and all sorts of RPGs. (Regardless, ALL generations are welcome!)
Have had to put up with the O.P.P Monster for a good part of their lives. No, not that “O.P.P.” - get your mind out of the gutter - I’m talking about “Other People’s Perspectives”.
“This kind of stuff is ‘silly’, ‘immature’, ‘geeky’, or ‘for kids only’” are some of the sentiments that may have been hurled your way and lodged into your psyche. Who says?! I’ll tell you who. Stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders who will NOT be invited to join our ranks (or to our annual Owlbear BBQ)A healthy sense of humor. “But isn’t humor subjective?” you ask. No, not really. I’m pretty well convinced that I’m hilarious. (At least that’s what all my employees tell me. And I mean, why would they lie? Especially considering I don’t have any employees.)
Folks who love fun but are seekers of deeper meaning. “How is that even possible with make believe?”, I hear you protest. A big belief of mine is that we are Explorers through life - always seeking . . .
. . . meaning through learning & discovery
. . . what can make us whole.
Desires are our doorways to our ultimate selves and Fantasy is the keystone in the arches of those doorways - a transcendent form of connection to ourselves & each other.
. . . If you’ve ever cheered when Aragorn led the defense at the Battle of Helm’s Deep,
. . . or cried when Artax succumbed to despair and sunk into the quicksand in the Swamp of Sadness,
. . . or laughed uncontrollably watching the Battle of (Sicilian) Wits,
. . . or felt that incredible swell of inspirational pride when Samwise gave his “Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t” speech, you know of what I speak.They are Kind. I don’t know about you, but I am pretty much well fed-up with inconsideration these days. Our modern world can often feel like one big landmine of folks looking “to offend” or “become offended”. As the great Herman Simpson (a.k.a. Homey D. Clown) often expostulated, “Homey don’t play that.” And neither do our fellow adventurers.
Have a creative bug, whether currently expressed or not. Drawing cool heroes & monsters, painting miniatures, designing adventures or games, writing epic stories, singing inspirational ballads, Crafting armour, Crafting cool journals, Crafting 3-D terrains, or just plain Crafting, DMing/Gamemastering for groups of excited players, dressing up for a Renfaire or Cosplay, making movies, learning swordplay, 3-D or Laser printing fantastical creations, playing an instrument with aplomb (especially a bardic lute or flute) . . . these are all things I’ve, uh, I mean YOU have aspired to do at some point in your life. And guess what? There’s still time.
🐲 "Hi J.Q.! I just wanted to say thank you for what you do. From your epic give-aways to your newsletter that stirs up old feelings and memories and helps me to discover more cool fantasy stuff. A Big THANK YOU, my friend!"
- Ash Braquet
How did you score?
0: Rediscovered Realms kindly rejects your application for citizenship. No magic soup for you. Come back 1 year.
1-3: You’ve got some real potential, and we’d love to have you here exploring Rediscovered Realms with us! - please proceed to the Maester just through the gates there. I can’t wait for you to experience the wonders we have in store for you.
4-6: A stalwart soul indeed! We may disagree on some of the finer points of Beholder digestive tract lore or interdimensional travel, but those piddly details will be as nothing when we recount our tales together over a roaring fire and a couple flagons of mead. You are going to love it here.
7-8: With this score, you must be veritably vibrating with excitement. You’re either a kindred spirit or my clone (he escaped not a fortnight ago). In either case, welcome home.
🕯 TL;DR You love Fantasy, Discovery & Fun. You have a great sense of Humor & Imagination, are Creative, see the value & benefits of Play, and most importantly . . . You are not an a$$hole.
“So, that’s still a lot to digest and I didn’t feel like scoring myself - can you break it down even simpler?”, you ask.
“I just want to make sure a Rediscovered Realms paid membership is right for me”, you reason.
Fair enough.
Well, here’s the really interesting thing - even with all the important traits we’ve discussed above, I’m not convinced it’s really about the person who you are now. It’s rather who you aspire to be.
Allow me to paint this picture and see if you resonate:
“You are a reinvigorated knight on a heroic quest to discover & restore Imagination, Wonder & Fun back into your realm.”
You see, we’re not just revisiting all this old stuff, but creating something new.
It’s not just nostalgia for nostalgia’s sake - it’s about exploring the power of fantasy itself.
Where we can explore the struggle between good and evil, the power of friendship and community, and the importance of hope in the face of darkness.
This is something that speaks to the deeper magic of fantasy - not just the stories themselves, but how they connect us to something bigger.
We’re striking sparks of imagination to remind us of the possibilities all around us.
Who doesn’t want to be re-energized and have kid-like fantasy fun again?
You deserve to have fun - even as an adult . . .
Like you, I know what it’s like to keep putting off Wonder, Imagination and Fun until later. Until you make it to the next holiday or vacation. Until you can get a job with more freedom. Until you retire. Until . . .
Seasoned Adventurer or Newcomer, there’s a place for you in these realms.
You might even rediscover a part of yourself you thought was gone.
If all this appeals to you, you should now proceed to check out the Rediscovered Realms Vault, where you will see some of the treasure trove available to paid subscribers . . .
🐲 "I appreciate what you have done here by fostering a fun community of likeminded adventurers. I especially like how the articles and comments bring me back to a simpler time in my life when imagination was a driving force in creativity. Unfortunately, it is seldom that way anymore. Thanks for doing this - I enjoy the articles and fellowship."
- John Patrick
“Show me the Loot”, I heard you exclaim.
Here you go:
(See, I told you I was funny)
That’s over 100 different pieces of fantasy loot! (And there’s more that didn’t fit in the picture).
We’ve got:
Deluxe Lord of the Rings book sets, Deluxe Silmarillion book sets, Badass Boxed sets, gamebooks (Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf, Endless Quest, Super Endless Quest), ShadowDark Deluxe, original AD&D 1st edition Dungeon Master Guide & Players Handbook, Lone Wolf The Huntress SIGNED hardcovers, Fantasy Art books (Frazetta, Alan Lee, Frank Brunner, Giancola), Game of Thrones Deluxe boxed set, Original Dragon Magazines, Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon 1986 Annual, The World of Tolkien deluxe boxed set, A blu-ray DVD copy of The Slave & The Sorcerer, D&D 50th anniversary poster with collectible USPS stamps, D&D 50th anniversary UK stamps, Collectible art cards (Vallejo, Conan, LOTR, Julie Bell), The Hobbit graphic novel, a brass collectible D&D ticket to the famous cartoon roller coaster, Magic The Gathering Secret Lair cards for the D&D cartoon, cool T-shirts (and a LOTR polo), Dragon journals, Indiana Jones gamebooks, The Lord of the Rings RPG for 5e, brand new boxes of Battle Cards, a brand new hardcover copy of “The Barbarians”, and so much more!
Here’s another picture of just the books!
And here’s a closer look at the actual items you could win, many of them brand-spankin’ new:
🐲 "Ohh cool! Really brings back good memories to see those DRAGON Magazines (and other loot). Very Happy I found Rediscovered Realms! Keep up the awesome work!"
- Dave
🐲 "Thank you so much for all your time and effort! This newsletter is the best mix of interesting tidbits and great memories."
- Brian
I hope that Treasure Vault Tour got you excited. Want to know how you can make off with some of its contents, you enterprising Rogue, you?
🐲 "Absolutely love getting these newsletters and the nostalgia that comes with them. As a teacher I often suggest fantasy/sci-fi based titles to my students to keep the storyline alive. I really appreciate being a part of this community and all of your hard work putting this together, Mr. G!"
- Jim Jaeger
⚜ THE PILLARS of PAYMENT - Embark on Your Quest ⚜
🗡 Level 1: FREE EXPLORER ($0)
What’s included at the “FREE EXPLORER” level?
Best darn weekly fantasy newsletter you can find that will reinvigorate your adult soul with Imagination, Play & Discovery!
Community access to comments, chats, and Notes (like social media posts) to discuss your favorite memories and plans to rule the world.
🐲 "I want to personally thank you for the work you have been doing. It's like a curator diving into the collective memory of generations of creative human beings. So much was done and with so little access we had, as children, when compared to today, it is quite amazing and remarkable how much was created and how every week there is something new I did not know existed. Thank you for shining the spotlight back onto those childhood memories."
- Hugo Ramos
🗡🗡 Level 2: REINVIGORATED KNIGHT ($120/yr paid annually - see special launch price below)
What’s included at the “REINVIGORATED KNIGHT” level?
Everything from the “FREE EXPLORER” level, plus:
4 automatic entries into our quarterly giveaway contests (March, June, September, December) where you can win badass old school & new fantasy books, games, art, movies and more from the “TREASURES FROM THE REDISCOVERED REALMS VAULT” you saw pictures of above. (The best part: You don’t have to do a thing to enter - just by being at this paid tier you will be entered into these drawings!)
👉 Keep in mind, though we adore our “FREE EXPLORERS” dearly, and they were eligible for the 2024 Celebration Giveaways, they will not be eligible for the “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” giveaway contests starting in 2025.
Each giveaway package is valued between $150 - $500, and you can win as many times as your name is drawn (between $600 - $2,000 total potential annual value, you Lucky Duck).
👉 These contests are open to all countries. I will pay for shipping up to $30 (USD). If shipping exceeds this amount, Winners will be responsible for any excess shipping charges. If Winners decline to cover excess shipping, they will forfeit their prizes. No substitutions nor equivalent cash value will be offered.
🎙 Exclusive Access to “REDISCOVERED REALMS UNLOCKED” Podcast - features fun conversations and deep dives into our weekly newsletters.
Perfect for when you're on-the-go driving, working out, or hunting orcs, but still need that fantasy fix.
We have several available right now, but with the launch of our paid memberships, at least 1 new episode will be posted every week pulling from both our new newsletters and from our classic archives.
🔐 Our “DIAMOND-PLATEMAIL GUARANTEE & CANCELLATION POLICY” (described below the tier descriptions)
Oh, and how about a 3-pack bundle of “ELECTRUM EXTRA-CHANCE TICKETS”? Each of these Willy-Wonkian babies gets you 1 EXTRA entry into the “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” giveaways.Use 1 or all 3 whenever you want for ANY giveaway!
Good for 1 year.
Tickets are assigned/redeemed electronically.
Opportunities to earn extra “ELECTRUM EXTRA-CHANCE TICKETS” with occasional engagement incentives and other fun quests.💎💎💎 “REINVIGORATED KNIGHT” BONUS 3:
How about 6 AUTOMATIC entries into our brand new “DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW” where you can win $10 DriveThruRPG Gift Certificates! (January, February, April, July, October, November, December). (For those who are more privacy-minded, all that is required to win and receive these gift certificates is your email address - which you have already entered to join Rediscovered Realms!)👉 These can be redeemed for digital books, RPGs, comics and more, as well as P.O.D. (Print On Demand) items on all of DriveThruRPG.com’s suite of sites. That’s another $60 of potential wins coming your way!
🐲 "These newsletters do help bring me back to that imaginative wonder and excitement I had playing rpgs as a kid."
- Malachi Throne
🕯 Now that you met them, I want to let you know about a special breed of “REINVIGORATED KNIGHT” that has an EXTREMELY limited time special signup offer . . .
$120/yr→$60/yr→ ONLY $30/yr (paid annually) for the 1st 300 paid subscribers at this level and available only until January 31st!)To celebrate our paid launch and reward existing readers (and to tempt your plucky purse string fingers) I’m offering a 1-time price reduction of the “REINVIGORATED KNIGHT” tier to only $30/yr (paid annually) and including 4 limited time special bonuses described below.
This is the lowest price I will ever offer and it’s only for the first 300 subscribers at this level.
Let me reiterate I will NEVER offer this price again and the price will increase to $60/yr (then $120/yr) once these 300 spots are filled.
If you are quick enough to snag one of the spots, you will lock-in this price FOREVER as long as you maintain your paid membership!
What’s included at the “THE 300” level?
You get everything from the “REINVIGORATED KNIGHT” level, plus these 4 limited time bonuses (👉 you must subscribe at this level by January 31, 2025 to receive these 4 bonuses):
💎 “THE 300” BONUS 1:
Why settle for only one giveaway prize at a time? For every 500 paid subscribers (combined from all paid tiers) I will add ANOTHER duplicate quarterly prize for the “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” giveaway where you will get a free entry. That means you will get the equivalent of DOUBLE the entries to win once we’re at 500 paid subscribers, TRIPLE the entries at 1,000 paid subscribers . . . and this bonus will last FOREVER as long as you maintain your paid membership.💎💎 “THE 300” BONUS 2:
I was only going to do the “ELECTRUM EXTRA-CHANCE TICKETS” as a 1-time deal, but if you sign up as part of the 300, you will get 3 new “ELECTRUM EXTRA CHANCE TICKETS” every year upon renewal!💎💎💎 “THE 300” BONUS 3:
I can guarantee there will be at least one upcoming “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” prize that speaks to your soul (you already saw the “TREASURES FROM THE REDISCOVERED REALMS VAULT”) and you will want to go for broke to win it.
For those out there with phenomenal impulse control, how about I extend the “ELECTRUM EXTRA-CHANCE TICKETS” to last for 2 years instead of 1 year?! So, if for any reason you don’t use them - you forget OR you're plotting a hostile loot takeover - you won’t have to worry about them expiring.💎💎💎💎 “THE 300” BONUS 4:
Your name will be reserved for the exclusive “THE 300” badging designation (instead of the “REINVIGORATED KNIGHT” badging) which will be used in planned future rewards and perks.Your investment enables, ennobles and funds a big part of the mission for helping all of us become that reinvigorated knight we so desperately want to be. Subscribe now for only $30/yr while the ranks of “THE 300” are still being filled.
“You are a reinvigorated knight on a heroic quest to discover & restore Imagination, Wonder & Fun back into your realm.”
NOTE: Although Substack displays a monthly option, you’ll notice the monthly price is set the same as the annual - unless you really like paying more, you’ll want to choose the annual one!
🐲 “Going old-school with nostalgic epic fantasy and RPG storytelling! J.Q. Graziano covers retro fantasy with incredible dedication and unearths new treasures weekly from his personal collection, along with interviewing popular artists and authors in the space.”
- Monica Leonelle, The World Needs Your Passion
🗡🗡🗡 Level 3: ELITE ADVENTURER ($300/yr → See special launch price below)
This is the highest level offered, but what’s included in the top-tier “ELITE ADVENTURER” membership?
All of the “FREE EXPLORER” benefits + most of the “REINVIGORATED KNIGHT” benefits (or “THE 300” benefits if you were fast enough to join their ranks). Let me break it down for you:
🎫 You still get the 4 automatic entries into the quarterly “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” drawings (where you don’t have to do a thing to enter).
🎙 You still get access to the “REDISCOVERED REALMS UNLOCKED” Podcast - featuring fun conversations and deep dives into our weekly newsletters.
🔐 You still get our “DIAMOND-PLATEMAIL GUARANTEE & CANCELLATION POLICY” (described below the tier descriptions)
But you DON’T get:
… the six $10 entries into the “DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW” - INSTEAD you will be entered into a separate $20 “DINSTINGUISHED DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW”, EVERY Month (That’s 12 drawings)!
This drawing will only be for “ELITE ADVENTURER” members which drastically increases your chances of winning.
That’s up to $240 of potential annual winnings! (And for those who are more privacy-minded, all that is required to win and receive these gift certificates is your email address - which you have already entered to join Rediscovered Realms!)
👉 Remember, these can be redeemed for digital books, RPGs, comics and more, as well as P.O.D. (Print On Demand) items on all of DriveThruRPG.com’s suite of sites.
… the 3 “ELECTRUM EXTRA-CHANCE TICKETS” - INSTEAD you get a bundle of 3 “MYTHRIL TRIPLE-CHANCE TICKETS”! That’s up to 9 extra chances to use on any of our “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” and “ELITE FANTASY LOOT” giveaway contests whenever you want. Use 1 triple-chance ticket on 3 different giveaway bundles or all 3 triple-chance tickets on a single precious loot bundle. Valid for one year from signup.
… “THE 300” badging designation - INSTEAD you get the “ELITE ADVENTURER” exclusive badging!
“Is that all? What Else Do I Get?”, you excitedly ask.
🔖 A yearly set of our “REDISCOVERED REALMS PREMIUM ADVENTURE BOOKMARKS” delivered directly to your door. With inspirational fantasy-themed quotes to stir your Adventurer’s heart and a professionally printed heroic front & back design that will bring an awed tear to your eye, these are sure to be the envy of fellow book lovers the world over, so make sure to keep them secret . . . keep them safe!
The inaugural set includes the following 3 amazing designs:
🔖 Every year, we will create (and you will receive) a different set of our 3 Premium Adventure Bookmarks!
🖋 Your name in lights - ok, not quite lights, but you will be listed as a FOUNDING SUPPORTER in any books & projects I release while you are an “ELITE ADVENTURER” member.
I have at least a dozen planned for release in 2025, ranging from fantasy activity books to adventure gamebooks and your support at this level will help make them happen.
📚 Get first access to Advanced Reader Copies of my upcoming books and behind the scenes glimpses into the Rediscovered Realms inner sanctum.
📝 Regular opportunities & surveys to make your heroic voices heard and direct upcoming articles, interviews & giveaway treasures (how would you like to pick which items from the “TREASURES FROM THE REDISCOVERED REALMS VAULT” go into the giveaways?)
🎟 Opportunities to earn extra “MYTHRIL TRIPLE-CHANCE TICKETS” with occasional engagement incentives and other fun quests.
💸 Special discounts on upcoming crafts, books, and Kickstarters.
🐲 “The only newsletter I subscribe to is this one about D&D. Every week interesting topics, well researched and presented.”
- Vinicius Braga
To sweeten the treasure chest EVEN MORE, here are 6 additional limited time “ELITE ADVENTURER” bonuses (👉 you must subscribe at this level by January 31, 2025 to receive these 6 bonuses):
💎 “ELITE ADVENTURER” BONUS 1: Entry into an exclusive “ELITE FANTASY LOOT” giveaway contest at the end of 2025 (This is in addition to the “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” December 2025 giveaway, and is exclusive only to “ELITE ADVENTURER” members)
👉 This “ELITE FANTASY LOOT” giveaway contest (just like the “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” giveaway contests) are open to all countries. I will pay for shipping up to $30 (USD). If shipping exceeds this amount, Winners will be responsible for any excess shipping charges. If Winners decline to cover excess shipping, they will forfeit their prizes. No substitutions nor equivalent cash value will be offered.
💎💎 “ELITE ADVENTURER” BONUS 2: Premier “ELITE ADVENTURER” physical bookmark with exclusive badging. You don’t mean to brag, so let your bookmark do it for you. (Exclusive forever only to members of the “ELITE ADVENTURER” tier)
💎💎💎 “ELITE ADVENTURER” BONUS 3: How about extra ways to win the “EPIC FANTASTY LOOT” monthly giveaways? For every 500 paid subscribers (all tier levels) I am committing to adding a duplicate prize giveaway in every monthly standard “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” giveaway. This gets you DOUBLE the entries to win once we’re at 500 paid subscribers, TRIPLE the entries at 1,000 paid subscribers . . . and this bonus will last FOREVER as long as you maintain your paid membership.
💎💎💎💎 “ELITE ADVENTURER” BONUS 4: Instead of just a onetime sign-up deal, get your 3-pack of “MYTHRIL TRIPLE-CHANCE TICKETS” bundle renewed every year when you renew your membership at this level.
💎💎💎💎💎 “ELITE ADVENTURER” BONUS 5: You like to save for a rainy day to reward yourself - I get it. Well, how about I extend the “MYTHRIL TRIPLE-CHANCE TICKETS” to last for 2 years instead of 1 year?! So, if for any reason you don’t use them - you forget OR you're plotting a hostile loot takeover - you won’t have to worry about them expiring.
💎💎💎💎💎💎 “ELITE ADVENTURER” BONUS 6: For every 20 “ELITE ADVENTURER” subscribers, I will add an additional $20 to the pot for the monthly “DINSTINGUISHED DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW” gift certificates. This means at 100 “ELITE ADVENTURER” subscribers, the pot will stand at $120 EVERY SINGLE MONTH!!! If you’re buddies with a Leprechaun (or the only one who signs up at this level), that could net you up to $1,440 in DriveThruRPG gift certificates in a single year!
💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 “ELITE ADVENTURER” BONUS 7: Once we hit 100 “ELITE ADVENTURER” subscribers, I will add an EXTRA $120 “DINSTINGUISHED DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW” gift certificate drawing for December 2025 (Only for “Elite Adventurers”).
🐲 "Congrats on a year of putting the F(un) back in Fantasy! Enjoying every post."
- C "Hollywood" Rivers
🕯 What’s this “SPECIAL LAUNCH PRICE” for the “ELITE ADVENTURER” membership, you ask?
I am opening up membership only UNTIL JANUARY 31ST for just 100 “ELITE ADVENTURER” members at this special one-time LOWEST PRICE I WILL EVER OFFER - $150/yr - paid annually.
Once the 100 slots are filled, this price will disappear forever. (The price will then increase to $300/yr)
Your investment enables, ennobles and funds a big part of the mission for helping all of us all become the reinvigorated knights we so desperately want to be.
“You are a reinvigorated knight on a heroic quest to discover & restore Imagination, Wonder & Fun back into your realm.”
Once you do the math of the features (Over $4,000 in potential prizes right now (with more prizes included as we swell our ranks), triple-extra-chance tickets, higher chances & value of DriveThruRPG certificates, premium physical bookmarks, exclusive access to podcasts, merch discounts, and other premium bonuses), I know you’ll agree that this is a steal, and I should probably be committed to the insane asylum (where it’s very hard to obtain a Paige, let alone become a Knight).
NOTE: Although Substack displays a monthly option, you’ll notice the monthly price is set the same as the annual - unless you really like paying more, you’ll want to choose the annual one!
“Yeah, yeah”, you say. “But what if I don’t like it or change my mind?”
Read on, Shrewd Adventurer . . .
🐲 "Thanks again! I know your newsletter brings back amazing memories for so many each month."
- UmbraSprite
I started Rediscovered Realms to spread fantasy fun and fulfillment. We’re here to have Amiable Adventures - not Miserable Misadventures. If for any reason you no longer think a paid subscription is for you, no hard feelings. This goes for any subscription problems you may experience as well - I will work with you to make it right. Here are the specifics:
Stripe is the certified payment processor used by Substack. Your financial information is encrypted & secure. I want you to feel safe and not worry about your purse strings. If there’s ever a problem or billing issue you can’t resolve, don’t fret. Let me know and I will get with them to make it right.
Paid subscribers (“REINVIGORATED KNIGHT”, “THE 300”, “ELITE ADVENTURER” tiers) can cancel at any time and will be converted into a free subscriber (“FREE EXPLORER” Tier). Your renewal date will also be cleared out and no further charges will be assessed.
Substack policy provides full refunds if cancellation occurs within 7 days. However, to level-up this armoured guarantee, I provide the additional protection for full refunds within 30 days.
The only exception would be if an “EPIC FANTASY LOOT” prize, “ELITE FANTASY LOOT” prize, “DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW” prize, or “DINSTINGUISHED DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW” prize is won & awarded - or the “ELITE ADVENTURER” physical rewards are shipped to you, at which point, your refund may be prorated to cover the cost of your prizes/rewards.
So, for a paid subscription,
Best case: You reinvigorate your life with Imagination, Play & Fun, enjoy some premium perks AND possibly win some badass fantasy loot.
Worst case: You tell me it stinks, I write you a check, and you get to still enjoy the FREE EXPLORER tier of fantasy fun living in Rediscovered Realms.
Both options are risk free but the only thing guaranteed not to bring joy & reinvigorate your life is NOT subscribing at all today.
🐲 “Celebrates old school fantasy in a fun (and less-filling) way.”
- Jan Lionsnest, Ye Olde Tyme News
You don’t care that you are locking-in the lowest price ever to be offered that will only increase for everyone else.
It doesn’t matter to you that as our paid membership grows and reaches certain milestones, more giveaways will be added where you will be entered WITHOUT HAVING TO DO A THING or PAY ANYTHING EXTRA.
👉That means once we reach 3,000 paid subscribers, you will have entries into at least 28 “EPIC FANTASY LOOT GIVEAWAY” contests and 4-13 DriveThruRPG DRAGON’S DRAW gift certificate drawings every year!
👉At 3,000 paid subscribers when combined, that’s $4,000 - $15,000 of prize value for only . . . $30/yr for “THE 300” or $150/yr for the “ELITE ADVENTURER” (and that’s not including all the other benefits)
Bonuses & Perks like extra-chance entries, DriveThruRPG Gift certificates, premium bookmarks, podcast access, your name listed in my upcoming books, or our mission to bring fantasy fun back into adults’ lives - just don’t hold sway with you.
Our “DIAMOND-PLATEMAIL GUARANTEE & CANCELLATION POLICY” doesn’t provide you with enough confidence to risk investing the equivalent of $2.50/month (for “THE 300”) or $12.50/month (for the “ELITE ADVENTURER”).
🐲 “I love poring through the vintage RPG books, magazines, and ephemera. It makes me so happy to find someone else who enjoys it as much as I do.”
- Retroist, The Retroist
⚜ Rediscovered Realms FAQ - Rediscovering the Magic ⚜
What is Rediscovered Realms?
Rediscovered Realms is a weekly fantasy newsletter, online community, Amazon affiliate fantasy shoppe, and independent fantasy book & merch publisher with over 3,000 subscribers and 10,000 Facebook followers. It aims to reawaken the adventurer within adult readers and reconnect them with the fantastical worlds found in books, games, magazines, gamebooks, movies, and art, both old and new.
Rediscovered Realms celebrates Fantasy. Fantasy is more than a genre - it’s a way of looking at the world, a lens to explore our hopes, fears, dreams. It’s finding meaning in stories that take us to other realms. It’s about rediscovering that spark of imagination we thought we’d lost. Rekindling that wonder we lose as adults.
Rediscovered Realms is a reminder that the world is full of wonder. It’s a beacon guiding us back to those realms lost to time.
What kind of content can I expect from Rediscovered Realms?
You'll find a treasure trove of content exploring both classic and contemporary fantasy, including:
Deep Dives into Old School Fantasy: Discussions and reviews of classic works like D&D modules, Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, and iconic fantasy literature.
Showcasing New Fantasy Discoveries: Coverage of exciting new releases and rising stars in the fantasy world.
Exclusive Interviews: Hear from the creators behind your favorite fantasy works, from authors and artists to game designers and more.
Stunning Fantasy Art: Feast your eyes on amazing visuals from classic and contemporary artists from books, games & magazines.
Gamebooks: Features on interactive fiction and solo roleplaying adventures.
D&D Modules: Exploration of classic Dungeons & Dragons modules, often with a focus on their artwork.
Epic Giveaways: Enter to win amazing fantasy loot, including books, games, art prints, and other incredible prizes.
Interactive Storytelling: Contribute to an ongoing serialized story and shape the narrative alongside fellow adventurers.
The Phantasy Snitch: Stay up-to-date on the latest fantasy news, releases, and events.
🐲 "I've been following your emails for a few months now and enjoy the newsletter tremendously. In a world dominated by auto-generated content and creator pushes for ad-driven likes and subscribes, I just want you to continue doing something you clearly love to share for others to appreciate."
- Troy Jensen
Is Rediscovered Realms only for fans of "Old School" fantasy?
While Rediscovered Realms has a special fondness for classic fantasy, we frequently cover new fantasy as well & welcome fans of all types of fantasy, both old and new. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer to these magical realms, you'll find something to love here.
What makes Rediscovered Realms unique?
Rediscovered Realms is more than just a newsletter; it's a community of passionate fantasy fans who share a love for these imaginative worlds. It’s a forum for celebrating the power of Fantasy. Here's what sets us apart:
Focus on Community: We foster a welcoming and engaging environment where you can connect with like-minded individuals.
Interactive Elements: Our contests, comments, chats (and even our serialized story) allow you to actively participate in the Rediscovered Realms experience.
Celebration of Fantasy's Deeper Meaning: We explore the themes of heroism, morality, and the human condition that make fantasy so powerful.
Blend of Nostalgia and Discovery: Rediscover the magic of your childhood favorites while also exploring new and exciting realms.
Visual Journeys with Stunning Images and Unique Songs:
Embracing the best of modern technology — primarily traditional methods with occasional AI-driven tools - you get to immerse yourself in highly visual newsletters featuring captivating illustrations & fantasy-themed songs, all designed to enchant and inspire.
🐲 "Fantastic job on the tribute song. Gave me goosebumps. It's wild seeing how much influence a single artist had on my life and not even realizing it until now. Thank you, J.Q., for what you bring together in your newsletter."
- Landen
What are some examples of topics covered by Rediscovered Realms?
Recent topics have included:
An exploration of the brand-new book, “Dungeons & Dragons Museum: Celebrating 50 years”.
A humorous interlude featuring one-panel fantasy comics from the book “Fantastic Fantasy Cartoons”.
An examination of the art from classic D&D modules like "Against the Giants."
Recommendations for fantasy reads for the Autumn season.
A giveaway contest featuring The Witcher series.
A discussion of the book "Breverton's Phantasmagoria: A Compendium of Monsters, Myths and Legends."
A heartfelt homage to lifecycles with “Bilbo’s Last Song”.
Some of the most popular topics include:
Reminiscing about TSR’s classic “Dragon” Magazine.
An exclusive interview with the fantasy artist, Clyde Caldwell.
Inspirational reflection in the article “The Call To Adventure”.
Discussing the question: “Which D&D Alignment Are You?: Am I Evil Now?”
A profound interview with the creator of the “Endless Quest” books, Rose Estes.
🐲 "Thank you for a great year of posts! Between familiar memories and things new to me it's been a fun read."
- Nick Monitto
What’s the philosophy behind Rediscovered Realms?
It’s about how fantasy can actually improve our lives, make us more creative, and connect us to something bigger.
Fantasy isn’t just a waste of time - it can be a powerful way to learn about yourself and to be more creative.
It’s never too late to go back to the things you loved as a kid - those passions are worth keeping. They’re a part of you and can make your life richer.
Who is behind Rediscovered Realms?
Rediscovered Realms is created by J.Q. Graziano, an author and lifelong fantasy enthusiast. He says “lifelong”, but the truth is he let life’s demands and others crowd out his passion for far too long and is now making up for lost time. Graziano is also the creator of "The Lost Dungeon," an upcoming epic fantasy solo gamebook as well as many other soon-to-be-released fantasy books & merch.
🐲 "Today I would like to recommend you take a look at the website of J.Q. Graziano: #RediscoveredRealms. He dedicates himself with great enthusiasm to special fantasy pieces from the 1980s. Gamebooks are also included. So inspiring!"
- Christopher Bünte, Woohoomania
Are there other ways besides a paid subscription to support Rediscovered Realms?
Besides subscribing, you can support Rediscovered Realms by sharing the newsletter with others, participating in discussions on Substack and Facebook, or contributing to the serialized story through the "Buy me a Sword +1" option in the newsletters. Every bit of support helps us continue to create captivating content for our community of adventurers.
Image Credits:
Lute photo by Princess Ruto under CC BY 2.0
“300” movie poster: warnerbros.com
helm icons modified by Rediscovered Realms LLC from originals by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
dungeon gate icon by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
To corroborate these claims and learn more about the benefits of play in human lives you just have to read “Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul” by Stuart Brown M.D.
Sounds like a pretty good deal. I do have to say though that I kind of wish all paid subscriptions got the bookmarks, not just the top/elite level, but oh well. Maybe there will be some future option for the lower levels to get other bookmarks instead.
That is an incredible pitch. Heading over to my laptop right now. 😊😊