This is really great, J.Q. Eowyn had been the next character I had planned on doing an article on, but, like yourself, my day to day job has got in the way and will do for the next few weeks so anything long form will be on pause for a while

However, you have absolutely nailed this and perfectly captured her character arc and the artwork shown here, particularly that last one by Stephen Graham Walsh is stunning

Brilliantly done 👍🏼

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Thank you, Dan! Sorry if I stole any future thunder(!), but I'm still excited to see what you work up for Éowyn since I love the depth you've gone into with your recent newsletters about Théoden and Boromir.

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Loved this comprehensive article on my all-time favorite fictional character! I’ve identified very, very strongly with Eowyn since I first read LotR at age twelve.

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Thank you, H.A.! I'm glad the muse convinced me to tap into the shared connection that you and so many others have with this character. Age 12 is just about the age where I first encountered and read The Hobbit (because it came with a computer game!) It was a couple-few years later when I read LOTR, and since then can never get enough of the books, movies, games, and other merchandise!

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As usual, I couldn't stop until I had gone through the entire art and artwork with multiple trips to google, Wikipedia, and IMDB for tangents that popped into my brain.

And congratulations on your subscriber milestone!

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Thank you, Retroist! I love it when others go down some of the rabbit holes I always wind up going down. If I could only stay focused, these newsletters wouldn't take 1/2 as long - but - then what would the fun of that be without all the Serendipitous Discovery?! 😁

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