Thanks J.Q. I enjoyed reading your review !! Just added this to my Xmas list ! Hope I’ve been good this year 😅😅😅 thx again !

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LOL, Marc! You definitely don't want to be on the Naughty List (I hear Santa's got himself a new fandangled Krampus he's sending to naughty houses this year)

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This is the kind of stuff I need to add into my collection. When I die, it'll be a nice little narrative to go with my collection.

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Or, Aegis . . . you could look into preemptively hiring a necromancer now so you will never die (at least not for long) and get to enjoy your collection for eternity. 🛡

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Huh. Look at all the money I would save on Healthcare. All I need is a gem worth 100k.

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💎 Here you go. It's a virtual gem, but I'm told it's as good as cash. (LOL about saving on healthcare!)

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I've had my eyes on this one but wasn't sure what it was 'about' and I didn't realise it was so big!

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Totally, Croaker. It's definitely not very thick, but it is TALL and wide.

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Thanks for showcasing this, when I saw it come out I was very curious. I already have the deluxe version of Art and Arcana (which I love), and I wasn't sure if the Museum adds anything. Still not sure if it adds enough to justify buying it, but I wouldn't be mad if Santa showed up with it under his arm :)

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lol - I hear you, Robert! If you wind up getting it gifted to you, make sure to let me know what you think.

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I love books on the history of DnD. This one has been on my Xmas wish list for awhile. Guess I’ll wait and see on 12/25!

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Here's to hoping your Xmas wish list gets fulfilled, Robin! 🎁

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Fingers crossed!! 😊

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The new book does look interesting. I'm currently reading through Art and Arcane and have enjoyed that one so far. So I'll have to add the new one to the list. Excited to hear the announcement and thanks as always for the new tunes.

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Art & Arcana is probably my favorite book about old school D&D. I haven't read it through cover to cover, but frequently go back to it as a reference. Thanks for your support, Eric! 🧙‍♂️

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