Rediscovered Realms is catching you up on some of the coolest fantasy news that just won’t fit in our regular weekly edition. Welcome to the July issue!
Rediscovered Realms’ denizens . . . er, citizens can now enjoy a curated lite dose of worthy Fantasy-related news, products, and rumours from the RPG, fantasy book, D&D, LOTR, mythology, board game, art & archaeology genres (and you now have time to immerse yourself within all our other beefier newsletters!)
Catch up on what you missed from our other “Phantasy Snitch” issues!
May 2024:
June 2024:
We have now entered the Final Days (ooh, foreboding!) for entering our “Summer Sundry Giveaway: Tankards & Tomes, Castles & Runes”
Dungeons & Dragons USPS stamps are finally available online for pre-order
I was surprised to find there were several other D&D-stamped products (10 in total) available, like: Pins, Posters, Bookmarks, Notecards, First Day Covers, and Field Notes!
The U.S. isn’t the only (or the best) game in town when it comes to Dungeons & Dragons 50th anniversary commemorative stamps - Check out the UK’s Royal Mail D&D collection - it crushes the U.S. offering with 38 different items!
With special “prestige” and “limited edition” stamp books, medals, framed prints, presentation packs, ingots, fan sheets and more, the UK definitely out(“first”)classed the US.
Returning to those D&D Field Note Journals, here’s a cool video from their manufacturer:
I was walking through a local World Market store a few weeks ago and noticed these phun phantasy libations . . . complements of House Targaryen - “House of the Dragon Wines”
I didn’t pick up the wine this time but have been thoroughly enjoying their “Dragonfruit Pomegranate Imperial Craft Cider”! Ah, the things I do for love (of cider).
I just discovered one of the most beautiful fantasy-empowered voices ever. Her dulcet melodies bring both evocative lightness of spirt yet substantial meaningful weight to your imagination. Experience Rachel Hardy’s emotion-stirring rendition of “We Will Go Home (Song of Exile)” from the movie, King Arthur (2004). Absolutely gorgeous.
For Rachel’s perfect and moving rendition of “Gollum’s Song” from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, feast your ears on this:

“The Armor of Achilles”, “Poseidon’s Trident”, and “Pandora’s Box” are half of the 6 powerful artifacts that are mentioned in the fun article: “Artifacts in Greek Mythology That Hold Supernatural Powers”
Beadle & Grimm’s has 6 sets of premium collectors’ “module” sets of dice to celebrate D&D’s 50th anniversary on pre-sale now until August 11th. The felt-lined collector’s boxes are from classic adventures and look amazing. They include collectible cards, commemorative coins, and oh, really awesome dice!
Check out this Ravenloft collector’s box with the legendary art of Clyde Caldwell!
Did you say “Shrubberies”? Well then, you’re in luck because Netflix has added to its riotous roster the best comedic fantasy movie of all time - Monty Python and the Holy Grail!
It’s so amazing to me that this movie came out all the way back in 1975 but is still so funny (and relevant!) Time for a re-watch.
And lastly, the new fantasy movie, Man and Witch: The Dance of a Thousand Steps was just released today! Featuring the princess from The NeverEnding Story, Tami Stronach, written by (and starring) her husband, Greg Steinbruner - I’ve got a desperate hunch that this is going to be a very special and powerful feel-good movie (please! please! please!)
Here’s a spellbinding article that interviewed Tami about her early stardom and about this new film: “Memorable 80s child star makes her comeback 40 years after she shot to stardom in fantasy hit The NeverEnding Story”
Thank you for another week of your readership, oh Cultured Adventurer. I didn’t share this above, but there’s one more news item if you’re interested to hear it?
Rediscovered Realms has surpassed 3,000 subscribers!!!
I’ve been working hard behind the scenes to grow our membership while creating some really fun fantasy stuff to be revealed soon.
In the meantime, let me just say, “thank you. thank you. thank you!”
“thank you. thank you. thank you!”
- dumb (but sincere) quote by J.Q. Graziano (I mean, he could have at least properly capitalized the 1st words in the sentences - amiright?)
It’s expensive running a kingdom these days. That’s why occasional support from Generous Adventurers like you helps keep Rediscovered Realms’ moat stocked with monsters and swords sharpened for action.
(Androidicus is worried about his job (again!), so he’s slashing prices - for a limited time, sword+1’s are reduced to only $2/ea!)
Do you love heroic fantasy gamebooks like me? Consider signing up to be informed when I launch my very 1st one!
(Featuring artwork from Clyde Caldwell & Luke Eidenschink!)
i have to grab the stamps, the UK looks to have outclassed the US on this
Congratulations on 3000 subscribers! I hope to one day say the same about An Enchanted Life! I love the Phantasy Snitch. I always find a few things of interest or inspiration. Today was no different. Looking forward to the next issue!