It appears I have gone on a dragon hunt this past week. It’s been a while since the last Fabled Finds on Rediscovered Realms, where I quest for cool new fantasy merchandise with an old school feel. With the seasons changing and most dragons looking to cozy-in for the coming winter, it seems appropriate to share some of this bounty with you worthy adventurers.
Jeff Butler is an incredibly accomplished fantasy and comic book artist. He worked for TSR back in the halcyon days and went on to do much more in the years beyond.
Check out this insanely detailed recent commissioned illustration of a Dragon Knight, inspired by another of Jeff’s pieces of Dragonlance’s Lord Gunthar. Jeff even did this in-between hand surgeries! Jeff teaches during the school year, but is always open to consider commissions.
Rediscovered Realms had the honor of interviewing Jeff Butler not too long ago. If you missed it, you need to check it out:
Jeff Butler, Fantasy Artist: Luck's Got Nothing To Do With It
Speaking of “Dragon Knights”, here’s a Dragon Slayer Leather Journal I saw at Barnes & Noble!
WizKids often comes out with impressive D&D stuff. Here’s a 50th Anniversary Red Dragon Wyrmling statue that they’re taking pre-orders for. (Releasing Q2 2024)
She’s super-adorable, but not super-affordable at $649.99! Maybe one of you fine readers will gift it to me?
I’m a sucker for creative and craft-related fantasy merch. I didn’t buy the Dragon Sticker Mosaics book from Barnes & Noble (this time!) but the Dragon Anatomy cutaway board book is now part of my dragon’s treasure hoard!

Do you love heroic fantasy gamebooks like me? Consider signing up to be informed when I launch my very 1st one!
(Featuring artwork from Clyde Caldwell & Luke Eidenschink!)
Another Wizkids upcoming product is the Green Dragon Trophy Plaque. WOW - this is extremely badass and a huge temptation to pre-order, but at $474.99, I’ll have to save a few more copper pieces first. (Feel free to gift this to me instead of the Red Dragon Wyrmling if your heart moves you to such a noble deed.)
Back at Barnes & Noble, I noticed this low-hanging 2024 Dragons Calendar by Ciruelo Cabral. I barely resisted the temptation, but succeeded my saving throw. (There were a couple OTHER calendars where I failed my rolls though - they’ll be featured in an upcoming article.)
Other News from The Realms
Lone Wolf “The Fortress of Death” AUDIO Gamebook - An audio adventure for mobile devices, set in Joe Dever's world of Lone Wolf for the Sound Realms system.
Ok. This is one of those fantasy products that makes my heart palpitate and mouth salivate! (It also makes me want to kick myself for not creating it first 😕)
I spoke with Gustav Sundin, one of the creators, and we will be doing an exclusive interview here on Rediscovered Realms. Stay tuned!
“Tales of the Shire” - a “cozy” Middle-earth video game from Wētā Workshop slated for a 2024 release.
I’m definitely an Explorer-type game player, where I don’t always feel the need to kill, socialize or achieve, so the idea of a cozy Hobbit game has definitely got my interest!
Bartle Taxonomy of Player Types
Dungeons & Dragons coming to Minecraft - “a story-driven action-adventure that merges the world of D&D with the iconic blocks of Minecraft.” (Arriving September 26th)
I’ve never played Minecraft before, but now I’ve got a solid reason to try it out! This module pack includes class systems, stats, quests, inventory, soundtracks, voiceovers, and dice-based combat. Wow.
WizKids D&D Nostalgia Sale - 20% off premium statues and classic collections
10 oldschool-inspired fantasy products, including: Vecna, Githyanki, Efreeti, Classic monsters and more!
Rose Estes - beloved author of the D&D Endless Quest, Greyhawk Adventures, Find You Fate, and other books celebrated her 83rd birthday this week!
Rose is an amazingly sweet person, and I can’t wait to share more with you about her story soon.
Rose’s legacy is one that will never fade from my heart. How about you? Have you ever enjoyed one of Rose’s books?
Well, this was a fun quest for me, and I hope for you as well. (It probably wasn’t too fun for the Green Dragon, though.)
Do hurry back, just discovered your newsletter and it is nice to see a fellow fantasy fan and classic DL/fantasy nerd. Definitely gonna sub to see what you post in the future.