Mar 22Liked by J.Q. Graziano

This is awesome. I just read Slaying the Dragon, which is a history of TSR so it's cool to see some of the actual work from that era.

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Right on - thanks for commenting! I keep that very book on my shelf to use as a reference for many of my newsletters. I find TSR's history so fascinating!

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So much great information here, J.Q. and it’s wonderful to see all this amazing artwork. Also, like we discussed, the adverts are also so much fun to look at. We had that Lankhmar - City of Adventure that’s on one of the first pages there. Everyone raved about it but don’t think we really enjoyed playing it 🤔

I’m not sure if Dungeon ever made it to the UK. It probably did but in my part of the country it was hard enough getting Dragon and White Dwarf never mind asking the newsagent do some other random magazine 😁

These articles are brilliant, J.Q. Really appreciate you taking the time to do them 👍🏼

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Thanks Dan! You're an Adventurer after my own heart. I didn't realize I wasn't subscribed to your cool newsletter - just subscribed. Your article on Theoden from Lord of the Rings is awesome!!! https://danielodonnell.substack.com/p/the-king-of-the-golden-hall

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Thanks very much J.Q. 🙏

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