“Long before the world turned upside down and new generations discovered Dungeons & Dragons, six kids boarded a magical roller coaster and were transported to the Forgotten Realms!
Now, this “lost episode” from the 1980s animated series charts new territory in the world of D&D!”
So reads the brand-new graphic novel/comic book from IDW, licensed by Wizards of the Coast.
What better way to spend part of your Saturday than to join Rediscovered Realms as we embark on these kids’ newest Saturday Morning Adventure! (Don’t worry - minimum spoilers for future owners)
It’s no secret that I’m a diehard fan of the old D&D cartoon, having grown up with it and with it serving as one of my primary gateways to role playing games and love of fantasy.
I come back to it often in Rediscovered Realm, discussing its books, cartoon, and merchandise new and old.
So when I stumbled across this brand new comic book compilation (released in October) last week, it was a foregone conclusion that it would make its way into my house posthaste.
It looks like this book is a compilation of the miniseries released in March of this year - which somehow, I totally missed!
Just arriving yesterday, I got a little jolt of excitement when I opened the package (ok, a really BIG jolt). The cover looked FANTASTIC.
Gingerly placing it on my desk, I went to bed excited for morning to come.
. . .
“Just like old times,” my inner child chimed, as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.
“It’s Saturday morning and there’s a NEW Dungeons & Dragons cartoon episode!”
With cup of coffee in hand (the modern me’s version of pre-adolescent me’s bowl of cereal), I began to read the story.
Written by David M. Booher (Canto) and Sam Maggs (Rick and Morty Ever After) I have to say I really enjoyed their tale.
Broken into 4 acts, we get to see a slightly more modern characterization of our favorite adventuring party - the heroes have a bit more to say and have a little deeper (dare I say “realistic”) reasoning and reaction to things.
Of course, they incorporated a few of the modern cultural-shift tropes that are common in today’s landscape of reinventing previous works, but I didn’t find it forced or off-putting. (Although, don’t expect Sheila to be as easygoing as she once may have been interpreted!)
They still kept many of the quirks & antics & humor you have come to expect of the heroes.
Heck, I was just so thrilled to have another adventure with these guys.
It was also cool that there were even a few references to some of the past cartoon episodes.
The artwork by George Kambadais (Gargoyles) was a slightly more comic-anime style, but still within bounds for my tastes and worked great in many of the panels.
The 1 and 2-panel non-story spreads though - they are AMAZING! The illustrations by Tim Levins (including the cover) were more old school original feel to me. The coloring by Katrina Mae Hao really makes them pop.
And Brenda Hickey’s 2 x 2-page spreads blended classic D&D cartoon and Disney in a gloriously fun way.
I would definitely be proud to hang these pieces by Brenda and Tim all over my wall. (BTW did you notice the Mimic that Dungeon Master is standing on? Nice touch!)
I thought it was interesting how this adventure takes place (and alludes to past adventures taking place) in the Forgotten Realms.
The 2023 D&D movie, Honor Among Thieves, takes place in the Forgotten Realms and had a cameo with them, but was there any previous mention?
Well, doing a little research, it looks like there’s some precedence. Back in 1996, TSR published: “Forgotten Realms: The Grand Tour” one-shot comic.
From Wikipedia: “It features the now-adult protagonists still living in a Dungeons & Dragons world, this time the Forgotten Realms, with Presto seeking an apprenticeship with Elminster the Sage.”
Who knew!
Well, I hope you enjoyed as much as I did seeing our adolescent heroes in action once more in their brand new “lost” adventure. I really love those guys!
BTW: Can anyone make out what Hank’s weakness is? If so, let me know in the comments.
Other News from The Realms

If you weren’t already aware, Gamebook author, Christopher Bünte, has created “The Kingdom Beyond the Hill” - part gamebook, part advent calendar! With only 8 days to go, you’ll definitely want to check it out.
Ok, now THIS is funny! Just in time for ugly-sweater-weather. “Yes, They’re Natural” RPG-inspired sweater sold by lovelypod.
Famous old school fantasy artist, Michael Whelan, shared his 44-year-old Lord of the Rings Gollum interpretation on Twitter.
In case you didn’t know, fellow writer and fantasy super-fan,
, has another blog she maintains, and this week wrote a thought-provoking article, “Fantasy Lit Is Basically Prestige TV”. Highly recommended.
Quest’s End Whiskey (D&D inspired collectible premium whiskey by actor/director Matthew Lillard) shipped their 1st release, “Paladin” and because of the super-high demand (they sold out early) has opened up a limited number of additional bottles which they are labelling, “Paladin +1”. Get yours before they close the window by 11/24!
Speaking of Matthew Lillard (a lifelong fan of Dungeons & Dragons), he is ON FIRE with Quest’s End Whiskey, his gaming company Beadle & Grimms Pandemonium Warehouse, the movie Five Nights at Freddy’s, and as of earlier this week, a new streaming show, “Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!” where he and friends (including Seth Green & Wil Wheaton!) act out D&D before a live audience on Amazon Freevee.
“Faster, Purple Worm. Kill. Kill! is an improv comedy spin on Dungeons and Dragons. Each episode intros a new party of intrepid 1st-level characters - who must battle the most vicious D&D monsters, which they stand no chance of defeating.”
Last but not least - Have you seen “THE SKYWALKER PILOT COLLECTION” by Columbia? 12 days until we can dress ourselves like the Hoth rebels we have always imagined ourselves to be!
That wraps up another edition of Rediscovered Realms. Thank you for spending some of your Saturday Morning having an Adventure with me, Hank, Sheila, Eric, Diana, Presto, Bobby & Uni. Wishing all you Seekers of Adventure a wonderful week ahead!
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality” - Lewis Carroll
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(Featuring artwork from Clyde Caldwell & Luke Eidenschink!)
Really enjoyed this. Brought back the nostalgia for my childhood watching the cartoon in the early 80s
I read the Grand Tour just before reading this and I thought this was much closer to the original tone. I don't mind them moving from "The Realm of Dungeons & Dragons" to "The Forgotten Realms." Sure, in my headcanon "The Realm" is Mystara, because Warduke, but The Forgotten Realms is much more popular and always has been.