Dragons are powerful mythological symbols of Strength, Wisdom, Confidence, Vision, Action, and Good Fortune.
2024 is at our threshold - and it just so happens to be the Year of the Dragon!
It also marks a full year since Rediscovered Realms was magicked into existence.
What better way to celebrate all our future fortunes in the Year of the Dragon than to give a short retrospective while interspersing some shiny badass 2024 dragon coins I saw online!1
When I started Rediscovered Realms early this year, one of my very first articles was “A Dragon Is At Your Door”, referencing on one level a modern subscription to old-school Dragon Magazine - but on a higher level - referencing my powerful reawakening to the joy that Fantasy once brought in my youth but was buried for decades.
It’s a personal story that I have yet to share, but suffice it to say that Fantasy and other “Childish” things were made to be put away.

The very act of reintroducing Fantasy & these fantastical items back into my life and the audacity to write about them weekly in a public forum was a personal breakthrough of monumental proportions that can’t be expressed here sufficiently.
It’s been a journey of unknowns, fears, insecurities, and disappointments - but . . .
BUT . . .
It’s also been a journey of Discovery, Curiosity, Excitement, Humor, Heroism, Fulfillment, and A TON OF FUN!
A proper journey in my eyes.
I thank you, Dear Adventurer, for your participation with me on this grand adventure so far. 🙏
I hope you’ve had loads of fun:
Rediscovering awesome fantasy games, books & toys from your past or encountering them here for the first time
Thrilling to amazing fantasy illustrations and artwork
Gaining Appreciation & Inspiration from the behind-the-scenes interviews with fantasy artists, authors & creators.

You see, I feel there is a strong difference between “Childish” and “Childlike”.
Childish, as in immature.
Childlike, as in open to Wonder & Excitement.
What is life without Childlike enjoyment? Without Wonder? Without Excitement?
We only need watch the dreary news
Or look around our plain, artificially lit cubicles
Or notice the number of times we repeat the same old daily routines by rote
Or blow the dust off of that 3, no, 5-year-old travel magazine page we cut out for inspiration
It’s why I escape to Rediscovered Realms. I have come to believe in Imagination as one of the most vital aspects of being a complete human - no longer to be considered impractical or relegated only to the realms of children.
As adults, we need Imagination in our lives too.

We need to reconnect with what lit our dragonling fires. We need to recapture the joy and playfulness that life crowds out.
Anyone who’s recently cracked open a favorite fantasy novel, or played an RPG with friends & family, or experienced the jolt of excitement upon seeing an incredible piece of fantasy art knows of what I speak.
Imagination is (Re)Creation.
Imagination is Magic.
My hope is that each time you visit Rediscovered Realms, you get Inspired to put a little Magic back into your life too. Life’s too short to wait until later, and there’s no such thing as too late.

In a symbolic way, unboxing & unearthing all the cool fantasy books, artwork, magazines, games and other creations over this past year woke the slumbering dragon within my psyche . . . and it’s not ever going back to sleep.
My dragon has a big year ahead of him.
How about yours?
Will you take ACTION in 2024 and let your dragon Soar, Roar and help it get you More?
I hope so. And I also hope to see you around Rediscovered Realms. Our ranks are swelling. You’re going to want to stick around to see all the great things we have in store for you.
“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.” - Joseph Campbell
BTW: 9 out of 10 Rediscovered Realms Seers say that 2024’s Year of the Wood Dragon will be a year of Personal Growth, so Action will be rewarded. That other Seer? He’s a negative a$$hole - no one wants to hear what he has to say. 🐉

If Rediscovered Realms has added anything to your life in 2023 (hopefully enjoyment, fun, & adventure!) please consider buying me a “sword +1” so I can keep as much of this newsletter free as possible for all the Dreamers & Dragons out there.
Do you love heroic fantasy gamebooks like me? Consider signing up to be informed when I launch my very 1st one!
(Featuring artwork from Clyde Caldwell & Luke Eidenschink!)
All coin images & descriptions pulled from various eBay live listings. Due to the limited time nature of eBay auctions, I did not enumerate the links here, but a quick search using the coin descriptions should show other seller listings of the same items.
Awesome essay, I love the idea of rediscovering child-like wonder, as this is something I'm doing more and more with a lot of delight these days.
I’m glad you were able to rediscover your child-like wonder. I’ve enjoyed your enthusiasm for the topics you’ve covered. Looking forward to what you rediscover next!
Also, those dragon coins are intense!