Sometimes it’s just fun when you find an old school fantasy treasure in a modern-day store.
Such is the case with this well-worn 3-hole-punched beauty.
“Dungeon Module A3 - Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords” is a 1981 AD&D adventure I never played, but because of its $6 price tag (and kickass fantasy stickers of the former owner), I felt obliged to provide its torn, battered (and re-stapled) husk a new home.
To be honest, I’ll probably never get around to playing it. So why bother, you ask?
Because the art is ALWAYS worth it.
Join me and Rediscovered Realms as we take a brisk foray into this dungeon module and gaze upon its admirably fantastic fantasy illustrations.
Though not considered one of his best pieces, Jeff Dee’s cover is still fun with that comic book D&D feel that was common in TSR’s early days.
These stickers are so cool. I wonder if any readers here had these and know where they came from?
However, the internal illustrations are where the action’s at for me!
We have pieces from who are considered the “First Four” TSR artists: Jeff Dee, Erol Otus, Bill Willingham and Jim Roslof.
Oh, and of course, I can’t leave out mention of the essential maps by the talented David S. (“Diesel”) LaForce!
OK, let’s see what’s inside!
I really like this Jeff Dee piece. So much kinetic energy . . . and I think that guy could give The Mountain a run for his money!

Like pen and ink fantasy art?
Willingham killed it on this one. So much detail in this scene from the Slave Lords’ stronghold!

Did you know that TSR produced not 1, but 2 D&D Invisible Ink Solo Adventure Modules?!
If you like the highly visual style of this “THE ART of” newsletter edition, did you know Rediscovered Realms did another about the “Adventures in Middle-Earth” Player’s Guide?
Let’s look at these 2 cool illustrations a little closer up!
This “Storoper” (Stone Roper) is terrifying!
(Once defeated, don’t forget to pry open it’s stony corpse with your trusty crowbar to look for goodies inside! “Storoper”, a.k.a. “Roperpiñata”)
Roper curious? You may enjoy this Rediscovered Realms newsletter edition:
And that’s it for the internal art. Just one more uniquely stylistic Otus piece on the back cover completes this adventure.
So, what did you think? For only being a 28-page module, it sure was packed full of fantasy art.
So much of the artwork from TSR’s dozens of modules was never re-used or re-purposed - only enjoyed by the original owners back in the day and modern-day collectors and fans of particular artists.
It feels good to discover and shine a light on these artists’ work. It provides me with Inspiration, Ideas, and of course, different Perspectives. Plus, it’s just darn fun!
If you agree and would like to see more of this kind of thing, let me know so I can feature more module art in future newsletters.
“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Other News from The Realms
We have been celebrating Rediscovered Realms surpassing 1,000 subscribers with cool monthly fantasy merch giveaways - old school & new. I’m now proud to announce we have surpassed 2,000 subscribers and will be adding even more merch!
The ongoing Legendary D&D Giveaway Contest is ending April 30th - here’s the 411:
The May Giveaway Contest will be announced in next week’s edition. I think you’re going to love it!
The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy (remastered & extended) is returning to theaters this summer!
3 Days. 3 Epic movies through Fathom Events. June 8 - 10 in movie theaters near you.
I can’t express to you how excited I am for this! These movies remain some of the most deeply profound experiences in my entire life. In no way does it feel like 23 years ago except for the empty seat this time around next to me of a dear loved one who has since travelled on to The Undying Lands.
If you never had the experience of seeing these in the theater, by all that is Good, I encourage you to do anything necessary to be there. You will not only not regret it, but you will also experience movie magic in a way not seen in a long, long time. You will share in the Fellowship of not just the characters on the screen, but with the audience around you, experiencing one of the most incredible and moving (and human) stories ever wrought. These movies will temper the molten-adventure-essence within your core into the finest mithril arms & armour - equipping you for a lifetime of Imagination & Meaning to combat the often hostile mundane world full of Dark Ones and burning missiles. You sense what I say is true. You have been called.
5 Days left to take advantage of the Pathfinder Mega Bundle on
For only between $5 - $25, you can get up to 69 Pathfinder ebooks worth $975!

Want some tips on how to write your own horror comics? How about some discussion about Helpless Monsters . . . or Hopeless Writers? How about a brand new Hawk The Slayer comic book?!
- is still killin’ it over at The Geekerati Newsletter with this week’s edition covering a huge swath from: fascinating undercover economististics (my term), movie mentions (including one of my all-time favorites, Twister), fascinating RPG music, mentions, and recommendations, a set of novels teaching the Moorcockian-style RPG world of “Dragon Warriors” . . . and even a spot about Jeff Speakman, The Perfect Weapon! (another favorite movie of mine that inspired a long-ago summer of Kenpo lessons with my brother and my friend)
Beyond all that, you don’t want to miss Christian’s talented wife Jody’s featured fantasy comic! They always make me smile.
That’s another adventure for the books, Friend. Have a fantastic week and I’ll see you back here on Sunday. 🧙♂️
Do you love heroic fantasy gamebooks like me? Consider signing up to be informed when I launch my very 1st one!
(Featuring artwork from Clyde Caldwell & Luke Eidenschink!)
I love these old modules and I'd love to get a hold of them.
Everytime I walk past an op shop or a used bookstore I have to check for old rpg books but I never have much luck. I'm forever hopeful though.
I know I have seen these stickers before. It will bother me until I figure out where they are from exactly.